Career Profile
Software engineer with experience in websites and system in:
* Publishing industry
* Bank Crm development+maintenance
* Media Agency responsive websites and Web Reputation Tool.
Always interested in learning new technologies and applying them.
I like to make decisions and tell my opinion.
I'm fan of Bitcoin world, work in this field it's like a Dream.
Python 3, Django 4, Docker, Flask, Git.
My focus is developing and mantaince of three newspapers websites.Eg:
Part of the system in Java 1.7 + Apache Velocity.
Registration and store in Django-Python.
Python 2/3, Django 1.8/4, Java, MySQL(Workbench),Javascript(Jquery), HTML5, CSS(Sass and Less).
Linux command line, Ubuntu Server, Apache HTTP Server, Varnish, Memchaced, Couchbase, Apache Solr, Puppet System configuration. Apache Velocity.Maven. Trying python fabric.
SEO. tools and soft skills:
Google Analyics(also API also GA3), Google Ad Manager, TagManager, Trello(for agile),
Installed company media Wiki. Relations with journalists, meeting with suppliers.
Fullstack developer in bank sector.
I managed remotly a group of up to 10 developers writing also Technical Analysis.
I created both Java EE APi, POJO to SQL Store Procedure and FE Dojo/JQuery Ajax call
to Rest API.
Two projects for banks:
Veneto Banca Web based CRM+Contact Center and Credem the intoduction of digital signature.
I developed the FE of a Web Reputation Manage tool in javascript / jquery.
Call to Rest AJAX API and manage of the JSON respose-
I also made some responsive websites using Drupal, PHP, HTML and CSS I took a look basic level MongoDb, Java EE Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Git, BitBucket , AngularJS.